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Help that brings Hope

A Warm Welcome from the Start

Moving to a new place full of strangers can bring anxiety. At Hope's Garden we long to wipe it away at the first contact. This begins when they call us asking for help. They will be greeted with the love of Christ in our voice and an open heart. If it is decided they will join the program, they will be welcomed at the door with a big smile and genuine love. They then will be brought to a beautifully decorated room with clean bedding and flowers on the nightstand. Our prayer is that they will feel the embrace of God Himself, helping them to relax and learn to trust us early on. We truly want all that enter to understand that this is now their precious home, not just a short-term pitstop. They can rest knowing that they are welcome to stay.

Budgeting & Vocational Assistance

We will guide each mama in developing good spending and saving habits. Each will be encouraged to save one-third of any income she earns. This helps her to save up for permanent housing after she departs the program. Additionally, trained staff and volunteers will meet with every resident upon admission. They will guide each mother through an assessment program that identifies her interests, abilities, and employment opportunities. Resume and job interview guidance, including proper dress code, will provide them with a greater chance for success. We also have local partnerships for clothing and haircare to help them feel confident when seeking employment. They will meet weekly with a case manager to help them set and meet goals and keep them on track.


Many of our mothers will come from tough home environments or dysfunctional homes. Parenting classes are key for helping them understand that their children are a blessing from the Lord. From prenatal care to being taught how to diaper and feed their babies, a great deal of emphasis will be placed on empowering each woman to be the best mother for her child. An emphasis on loving, caring discipline will also be taught, so a mother may not repeat family patterns of abusive behavior she may have endured in the past. We will utilize BrightCourse classes through the local Canby Pregnancy Resource Center. And, if a woman chooses adoption for her child, we will support her and help her meet with a local adoption agency and remind her that loving our children can look different, but that whatever she chooses is a personal decision that will show love for her child.


Our mamas will be shown how to prepare healthy meals and will take turns cooking for the house. We have volunteers who will come and show how to cook healthy and balanced meals and how cooking can be a joyful part of their day. And daily walking will be encouraged so that mind and body can stay healthy in tandem. We also will grow a bountiful garden of fresh and organic vegetables and berries, along with fruit trees to use in our meals. 

Spiritual Growth & Bodily Purity

Staff and volunteers will regularly meet with the women and offer practical Biblical teaching and guidance as a way to assist each resident in their spiritual journey. We will do morning devotionals, read and study Scripture, have a rhythm of daily prayer at mealtimes and bedtimes, and join a local church community so they can understand the love and support found in the family of God. The virtue of purity and abstinence will be promoted as a vital part of a healthy lifestyle. This will not only help each mother focus on and be more devoted to her children, but it will also help her to recognize and appreciate her precious identity as a child of God more.

Post-abortion Healing

Our affiliation with Calvary Church's "Redeemedprogram helps post-abortive women 18 and over to find healing through counseling and peer groups. Redeemed is a group that provides a safe, confidential place for women who have been directly impacted by abortion. Group members will receive compassion and support in their journey of experiencing hope, forgiveness, healing, and freedom (Ephesians 1:7) through a Biblical study.

A Family Home Filled with Hope and Love

At its' core, Hope's Garden will be a place that brings true hope to women and their children facing hardship and homelessness by offering them a loving home. We will provide shelter, rest, and love to young women who want to have their babies, and raise up their children, get empowered through God's word, along with parenting and life skills that set them up for success and to thrive. It will be a place to call "Home". Even after they leave the program, they never leave our hearts and are welcome to visit, come to the annual picnic by the pond, and call just to say "Hi" or "I need help today". Family is forever. Hope's Garden is God's way of saying "Welcome Home".

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14


Based in the Northwest.

Loving people

all around the world.

EIN #88-3762203

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