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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)


  1. Can I register at the door? Yes! However, the price for IGNITE goes up to $45 after online registration closes at Midnight, March 4th. Late registration price is $45 and the late online registration will close Tuesday, March 5th at midnight. There also tends to be long lines at the registration table the day of. Why not make your morning easier by registering and paying online so all you have to do is swing by the name tag table to get your name tag, IGNITE bag, and then head over to grab some coffee, and connect with friends! If you're unable to register online, we will have you fill out a paper form or via an iPad that morning. You'll be able to pay by cash or check at the door!

  2. Can I pay for my registration online but pay for/order a catered boxed lunch at the door? Sorry no. Due to the nature of this event and the planning it takes to have a catered lunch as an option to purchase, we've decided it's best to have attendees order and pay for their catered boxed lunches when they pay for registration online. We're sorry for the inconvenience this might cause. We will be providing a list of lunch spots near our venue, if you decide to not order a boxed lunch.

  3. Can I register a guest online? Yes! Below you'll be able to "Add A Guest", enter their information, and (if applicable) apply a discount code as well. 



  1. Will there be coffee/tea/water available? Yes! We know how important coffee is to those in the PNW!

  2. Can I purchase a catered lunch box the day of IGNITE? Sorry, no. We plan to only order the lunches women pre-pay for with their registration. If for some reason there are extra lunches, we will sell them for the online price ($12-15) on a first come, first serve basis.

  3. What if I decide I no longer want my lunch on the day of IGNITE, can I get a refund? Unfortunately, no. When an attendee purchases their lunch online, that money goes directly to the caterer.


  1. Is this event for women of any age? We ask that women attending be at least high school age so they are able to receive as much out of the day as possible! We would also ask that if they are of high school age, that they would be accompanied by an older female friend or relative.

  2. Will there be childcare? Unfortunately, for IGNITE, we do not offer childcare. However, if you have a newborn who needs to be with you during the event, that's fine as long as you are respectful of the other women who are trying to enjoy the event as well.

  3. Will there be Handicap Accessibility to all areas of the event? Yes! If you need further assistance, please let us know ahead of time by contacting


For general inquires & for group discount code, please contact

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